No.45: A Proposal to Reconstruct Northeastern Japan by EM Technology - 2

1.How to Convert an Area Into a Better Healing Place

 I described, in my previous message, the importance of a healing place and how to apply EM to purify an area contaminated by earthquake and tsunami and to convert it into a healing place where everything is returned to its natural and healthy state before construction works begins. When humans live and actively produce, contamination by garbage, waste water, detergent, and diversified chemicals will increase. As time goes by, contamination will eventually turn healing places into vexing places.

 One of the big challenges for reconstruction is to purify and improve the rich fishing ground along the Tohoku shore. All kinds of contamination on land are carried by rain water and sewage systems into rivers, pollute rivers and the seas. Aquatic ecology will be destroyed, and aquatic resources will be impoverished.

 The basic solution to this problem is already presented in my messageNo.30 entitled “Risk Management that you can do yourself with EM” The Municipalities in the affected areas should build a system to provide a large volume of EMA as the first priority. The volunteers’ efforts are limited.

 Application of a large volume of EM activated at low cost for farming, stock breeding, aquaculture, garbage and sewage treatments will clean rivers and recover healthy sea in several years. In the beginning of the application stage, EM can be used while using chemicals in farms and other primary industries, and operating garbage and waste water facilities as have been. This way of introducing EM application enables to reduce, by some degree, chemical contamination and contamination generated in the process of production and other activities.

 Lesser chemicals are used as you learn more about how to use EM, which will facilitate converting the whole area into healing place. At the same time, recommended is EM use in all aspects of daily living: spraying EM in bathrooms and other rooms, use in laundry, house-cleaning, washing vegetables and dishes, and recycling organic garbage.

 I t is the safest and the least expensive. Those who practice EM life are free from illness. You can call it unfortunate if you get sick, but I assure that you can guard your health by leading EM life. Evacuation and reconstruction process is a great burden to one’s mental and physical health, but EM life can lift most of the burden.

 It is inevitable that the municipalities in the affected areas will have to bear a larger medical cost. The municipalities in the areas where most residents are elderly will be able to provide only so much. The environmental and health problems are left for the residents to take care by themselves. A system to solve various problems by EM must be organized in cooperation with the area residents and the municipal government. I recommend for the municipalities to consult with EM Research Organization to obtain technical advice as I described in my message No.30.

2.Creation of a Future Primary Industry

 I am not talking about the kind of new primary industry that applies high technology developed with a lot of money, but I am recommending a future primary industry that links and develops closely with the community. More explicitly speaking, on a basis of a system that uses EM abundantly as we use water and air, we can create a future primary industry that is safe, comfortable, and high quality, but low cost. It will enrich and develop other sectors of industry.

 For details, please refer to my messages Nos.19-.20 dealing with development of fishery by EM and Nos. 21-24 dealing with future agriculture that protects food, health and environment.


 Unlike the areas affected by Hansin-Awaji earthquake, in the areas affected by the earthquake in northeastern Japan, aging is advancing, and a primary industry is the major sector. Therefore, some areas will be difficult to recover and maintain the recovery as traditionally done, which opens up opportunities to try different ideas including larger scale farming. But there is no need to copy what is done in abroad.

 I like to stress the importance of how to add value to the primary industry that should be the foundation of the community. In other words, the primary industry should be natural and self-sustainable by using EM and avoid using chemicals and anti-biotic. I recommend that an EM model district be established and expanded in 5-10 years actively to cover the affected areas.

 The best products for export are livestock products that are of high quality without using agrichemicals and hormones. I have promoted for over 10 years that Japanese agriculture should be self-sustainable by use of EM and export the agricultural products. What we have learned through the incident of Fukushima nuclear power plant is that the Japanese agricultural products are exported in larger volume than expected. In my message No.21, I claimed that potential income from exporting Japanese agricultural products will be over \10 trillion that is a sum of the current agricultural products plus more than \8.5 trillion.

There are many models for stockbreeding, aquaculture, and farming; from small farms operated by elderly to larger farms over 20ha. The point is to build a system that is natural and self-sustaining. More explicitly speaking, Japanese national and prefectural governments should subsidy municipalities to adapt my proposal described in my message No.30 entitled “Risk Management that You Can Do Yourself with EM”.

 Rice straws and other crop residues, when fermented with EM, will become excellent feed. Organic garbage and fishery waste, when fermented with EM, will also become excellent feed that is less expensive and of high quality. Waste water should be separated into two parts, solid and liquid. The solid portion should be fermented with EM and converted to organic fertilizer. The liquid portion should also be treated by EM, and the EM treated water will purify rivers and seas as well as facilitate voluminous growth of both phytoplankton and zooplankton.

 EM treated feed or adding EM to drinking water and feed will prevent outbreak of mouth-and-hoof disease and avian influenza. Slaughter waste of livestock raised with EM will turn into high quality fertilizer. Such EM use will enrich ecology, protect bio-diversity, and revitalize the coastal fishery.

City Planning

 Many experts gave variety of plans. The important point is to rejuvenate industry and to build the community resistant to earthquake, flood, tsunami, typhoon and other disasters. Many victims were elderly, sick, and from the areas that were believed to be safe such as the evacuated places that were swallowed by the tsunami.

 Excepting a few areas, aging and lesser birth are in progress rapidly in the affected areas; therefore, a protection system is required. I highly recommend that self-sustainable home gardens that recycle organic garbage be established for the elderly to be active, creative, and help the community to be self-sufficient as part of rehabilitation work against aging. Relocating to the higher ground may have its merit, but it must be noted that when over 50% of the residents in the relocated area become over 65 years old, it is extremely difficult to carry on ordinary social activities such as marriage and funeral.

 In order to maintain active community, some kind of industry is needed for young generation to settle down and succeed to the next generation. The future-oriented primary industry that I described in the previous paragraph meets the need, and gathering resources and human power is necessary to accomplish it.

 I recommend as follows: A whole community is relocated to the most suitable place to develop an industry. A 10-15 story high buildings are built by using EM to accommodate municipal government, shopping mall, hospital, and nursing care facilities. Windmills on the rooftop and solar panels on wall surfaces are set up to generate electricity. Rainwater is purified by EM to be potable, and waste water is recycled by EM after separating solid matters from liquid portion; solid matters to be converted to compost or to be used for biogas and liquid portion to be purified for general use and recycled semi permanently. When a large volume of rainwater is available, recycled water may be replaced by rainwater. The discharged recycled water will enrich farms and fishing grounds. Propane gas is stored in higher safe floors, and independent gas unit system is preferable.

 Floor plans should accommodate diversified needs of families and individuals. Special floor should be designated for the elderly to live safely without a care taker; for the single elderly to relocate into a room designed for single persons to easily manage daily living.

 A big tsunami may come; however, destructive damages such as those incurred by the earthquake on 3.11 will be avoided at the minimum cost in the lower floors if the lifeline in upper floors is safely maintained. Especially in the 1-2 floors, the shatters against tsunami must be strong. The building should be functional and spacious for everyone to feel invited to live there. There will be no waste water treatment facility and incinerator to burn garbage. EM technology will turn garbage to functional materials for agriculture, liquid fuel, and various construction materials.

 After building large comprehensive functional facilities, a large land space will be left available for schools, parks, home gardens, and organic green house farming that can produce all year around. Ecological forests that are strong against disasters should be nurtured in the surrounding area and fenced by high wall against tsunami. The areas that were deeply sunk may be used as aquaculture farm.

Port and marine facilities must be safer and more sophisticated. All marine product wastes should be treated by EM and turned into organic fertilizer and feed. Crop residue from organic farms should be used to feed breeding stocks housed in organic stock breeding facility which should be presented as a model farm. EM is effective in preventing mouth-and-hoof disease, avian influenza, and can be used in various ways to maintain healthy stocks.

 You may ask, “Ideas sound interesting, but how about the cost?” EM can be applied easily to most of the construction materials; therefore, the cost will be approximately the same. EM applied facilities will last over 300 years based on various examinations. EM application to concrete is within the guidelines of the building codes and legal.

 Last month, Development Sdn Bhd. in Singapore started developing a model town where EM is applied to all buildings and facilities in Johor in Malaysia. A total volume of concrete to be used will be 125,900m3 and that of EM will be 1,133tons. Waste water and garbage will be recycled by EM. It will be a world model of EM application to construction.

 As I mentioned in my message No.31 entitled “Living Environment and EM Technology”, EM applied buildings have considerably longer useful life and help to maintain good health of the residents. Medical expenses will be cut down to a half or 1/10 if the residents use EM in daily living. No waste and garbage treatment facilities in traditional sense are needed. Electricity generated from the natural energy can be sold. The cost for air-conditioning will be cut by 30%. All these facts may enable to build and maintain the buildings under a trust fund.

 When the social cost to take care of the emergency and other needs of the elderly is lowered by EM application, it is most desirable.

 In redeveloping a community, we need to keep in mind that a community as a whole is a big family and can enjoy safe life by mutually covering and helping each other.
