第210回 第 2 回正木一郎記念ユニバーサルビレッジ EM 国際会議(1)
正木幸子様ご挨拶 国際会議開催に寄せて
(Thank you for holding the 2nd Ichiro Masaki Memorial EM Universal Village International Conference.)
ユニバーサルビレッジは、私の夫、正木一郎がマサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)の教授であった時に提唱したコンセプトで、年々悪化の一途をたどっている環境問題、核問題などの深刻な状況世界の状況に対処するために「地球環境及び生物多様性の保全および人類の持続可能な発展を可能とする社会」を実現する目的をもって、科学者、事業者、政治家、市民に協力を呼び掛けるために2013年にUniversal Village国際会議を立ち上げました。
(The concept of Universal Village was proposed by my husband, Ichiro Masaki, when he was a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In response to the worsening global environmental issues and nuclear threats, Universal Village was founded with the goal of “Realizing a society that ensures the conservation of the Earth’s environment and biodiversity, as well as the sustainable development of humanity”. In 2013, he launched the Universal Village International Conference to call on scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians, and citizens to collaborate in achieving this vision. )
ところが、思いがけないことに、2014年に米国MITで開催された第2回Universal Village国際会議で、私たちは琉球大学名誉教授であられる比嘉教授の講演を聞かせていただき、比嘉先生が開発されたEM微生物叢が地上の問題すべてを解決することが出来る万能薬であることを知ることができました。その結果、夫と私はすべての地球生態系と環境を支えているのは微生物であり、微生物はあらゆるところに存在し、ヒトと生物と地球をつなげているものであることを知りました。
(However, unexpectedly, during the 2nd Universal Village International Conference held at MIT in the United States in 2014, we had the privilege of listening to a lecture by Dr. Higa, a professor emeritus at the University of the Ryukyus. We learned that the EM Microbiota developed by Dr. Higa could solve all the problems on Earth, which was truly remarkable. As a result, my husband and I realized that microorganisms, which support all of the Earth’s ecosystems and environments, are present everywhere and serve as the connection between humans, other living beings, and the planet.)
(Moreover, through the EM technology developed by Dr. Higa, we discovered that microorganisms, which are the least evolved organisms on Earth, can solve a wide range of issues not only in agriculture but also in livestock, aquaculture, water pollution, waste management, desertification, extreme weather, viral infections, and even the nuclear issues (radioactive contamination) that are considered the most difficult to solve. For me, someone who had believed in the Creator through the Bible, this discovery was transformative. But even for my husband, who had struggled to believe in the Creator, this knowledge allowed him to begin believing in the Creator. It enabled us both to believe that we could be reunited with our beloved family members who have passed away, as promised in the Bible, and that we could live in a healthy, paradise-like world for eternity.)
(For this reason, as natural disasters, nuclear threats, and the risk of nuclear warfare and terrorism have escalated worldwide, I have wished for as many people as possible to learn about EM and to trust in the promises of God. Tragically, my husband passed away suddenly in 2021, but I believe that when he is resurrected, he will be pleased to know that this conference has been a great success and a crucial step towards building a sustainable society using EM.)
北中城村農を活かした健康福祉の里づくりに向けた推進事業 EMユニバーサルビレッジプロジェクト
写真:ハウスのミニトマト |