No.56: EM Use as the National Policy of Thailand for Clean- up After the Massive Flood in 2011 (3)
I received two reports from Thailand in March, 2012: "A Report on Emergency Treatment of the Water Polluted by the Flood in 14 Provinces in Central Region of Thailand" compiled by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and "A Report on Treatment of Polluted Food Water" made officially by Royal Thai Army.
 Figure 1: Cover page of the report by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
 Figure 2: Cover page of the report by Royal Thai Army
The report by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is summarized below.
The Support Center for Those Affected by the Flood issued an order No.29/2554 which established "An Advisory Committee and the Committee to Coordinate Emergency Rescue Mission for 14 Provinces Affected by the Flood in Central Region of Thailand".
In order to meet the needs of Provinces in Central Region of Thailand in crisis of water pollution due to the Flood (Nakhon Sawan, Uthai Thanie, Singburi, Chainat, Ang Thong, Saraburi, Ayutthaya, Suphanburi, Lopburi, Nakhon Nayok, Nakhon Pathom, Pathum Thani, Nonthaburi, and Chanchoengsao), the Prime Minister, in accordance with article 31of Disaster Prevention Law made effective in 2007, issued an order No.17/2554 dated October 20, 2011, "Management Order to Solve Problems of Large Area Disaster". On October 17, 2011, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Defense、and Royal Thai Army were designated as the agencies in charge and obligated to implement the solution within 15 days. The Committee allocated approximately 1.9 million Bhatt to take actions as follows.
- EM water treatment system to be set up for the garbage collection center affected by the flood in Phitsanulok Province
- EM water treatment system to be set up for the garbage collection center affected by the flood in Ayutthaya Province
- Free EMA (Activated EM) distribution center to be set up at the Army Sports Center in Bangkok
Purification work of the water polluted by the Flood has been carried out in an orderly manner, and the initial objectives of the mission have been accomplished. We owe greatly to the cooperation of the agencies involved as well as each member of the agencies who has worked hard to complete his assignment. Because of their effort, we could successfully reduce suffering of the affected. The following photos present some of their activities.
 Figure 3: In the area flooded over 10m deep water, a boat had to be used to reach the garbage collection center.
 Figure 4: EMA application at the garbage collection center.
 Figure 5: After EMA application
The following is a summary of the report made by Royal Thai Army.
In accordance with the Army Rescue Mission Center (Temporary) order No.1/54, the Army commander ordered the Civilian Service Division of the Army Rescue Mission Center to take necessary measures to reduce the difficulties of those affected in the situation of polluted flood water. Actions takes were as follows:
(1).(1) Hold two training sessions for the government workers, non-governmental workers, and volunteers: November 17 and December 6 in 2011 at Army Club from 9:30-17:00. The total number of participants was 2,000.
The following persons served as instructors at Macwarn Conference Hall of the Army Club on November 17, 2011.
Army General, ピチェート・ウィサイジョン,
on "EM Use in the Army Network toward Solving the Problems of Poverty and Environment"
- Professor, ワラヌット・ジッタタムサパーポン,
on "EM and the World's Biggest Flood"
- マナット・ヌーサウィー
on "Citizens's Network to Combat Against Polluted Water on Samui Island"
- ポンティップ・ロージャナスナン
on "A Case of EM Application - EM spary to the bodies of tsunami victims-
- Dr. チャオ・ノックユー on "
- Army Colonel, チャルームポン・ジナーラット
on "How to Extend Microbia Liquid and to Make EM Ball"
- Professor, シリラット・スラルートランシー
on "How to Extend Microbial Liquid and to Make EM Ball"
(2)Set up a Microbial Service Center: In order to purify the water polluted by the Flood, the Center produced microbes (EM) and extended EM for distribution to the public. Service Center was set up at five locations.
- The 1st Army Management District to cover Bangkok and the surrounding areas under the charge of 11th Infantry Disaster Recovery Center.
- Aerial Defense Division to cover Ayutthaya Province under the charge of Army 1st Aerial Defense and Attack Center.
- Special Force Division Disaster Recovery Center to cover Lopburi Province
- The 2nd Cavalry Division of the Imperial Guards to cover Saraburi Province under the charge of the 5th Cavalry Unit of the Imperial Guards.
- Veterinarian Dept. Disaster Recovery center to cover Nakhon Pathom Provinc
(3)The Microbial Service Center extended and distributed EM to the citizens in the designated areas. Each Service Center distributed approximately 10,000L per day. The grand total of five Centers amounted to 1,500,000L
Purification of the water polluted by the Flood has progressed effectively in an orderly manner and accomplished the initial objectives. The successful completion of the water purification work owes greatly to the close cooperation of all agencies involved and diligent work of each member of the agencies. Consequently, the suffering of those affected by the flood was reduced. The Army has impressed the citizens in providing recovery services by its insight, good will, and attitude to clearly place priority to protect safety and health of the citizens. We like to express our sincere appreciation to all and each soldier who has worked so hard to accomplish the General's command. At the same time, we believe that it was a great privilege and pride for the soldiers to contribute to the safety of the citizens. The Committee attaches the following pictures to the report.
 Figure 6: More than 1000 persons participated
 Figure 7: Bottling and transporting EMA for distribution
 Figure 8: Distributing EMA to citizens
 Figure 9: Army's cooperation to the citizens
In addition to the above official reports, participation by the Ministry of Social Development、the Ministry of Education, Thai Buddhist Association, and Thai Federation of Economic Organizations was reported. It was a nationwide effort. The number of EM balls used was over 6 million, most of which were made by school children and volunteer citizens. It was so widely reported by mass media that every Thai knows EM now.
As I mentioned in this series of articles, a large amount of EM has been used also in Japan in recovery works of the Earthquake and the radiation contamination. However, all EM works has been carried out by volunteers, and no governmental involvement was made.
As I stated in my recent book "The Rules of Syntropy(Regeneration) - Building a County with EM-" , it is very important to recognize EM as the necessary part of disaster recovery and management technology as well as indispensable necessities like air and water in daily life. If our Self Defense Army had used EM in their disaster recovery works for Northeastern Japan Earthquake, we could have gained a different picture of disaster management. Alas, the time for EM has not yet come. We need to continue our work to gain more understanding and trust.
Based on the official reports, Thai government is going to publish a book on citizens' involvement in EM activities. Upon their request, I sent my message entitled "Thailand, A Paradise Made Possible by EM" as the father of EM.