No. 46: EM Project to Control Radiation Contamination in Fukushima Prefecture
Through our experiments, we have learned that the level of radiation is measured low in EM practiced farms and that the repeated EM application lowers the radiation level. The National Biological Radiation Research Institute of Ukraine and Belarus attested that spraying 50L of EM per 10a lowered the level of radiation by 10-15% in the areas affected by Chernobyl accident.
As more people have learned how to control radiation contamination by EM through my articles published in,, and, more individuals and groups are making EMA to wash houses, spray gardens and fields and using EM in daily living. At the early stage of the Fukushima incident, I said that Fukushima became Chernobyl in small scale, but four reactors of Fukushima nuclear power plant have continued emitting radioactive substances of which total has exceeded greatly over that of Chernobyl.
From the middle of April, EM Research Organization has taken the leadership to spray EM in the cities of Iidate, Date, and Koriyama to find more effective ways to apply EM. The current guideline for EM application is as follows: for 10a field, spray 100-200kg organic matters such as rice bran and 50L EMA in 20-30 time dilution. This method of application will facilitate the growth of white phae that cover the ground surface and prevent radioactive substances from scattering and reduce the risk of internal exposure, as well as increase the number of beneficial microbes in soil.
EM application of 1-2 times per month or 6-10 times per year, depending on the degree of contamination, will control the radiation contamination. Spraying rice bran is required in the first 1-2 times. When the radiation level remains higher than the designated safety level, repeated application is recommended. Among numerous volunteers in Fukushima prefecture, Eco-Koriyama has played an important role in supplying EMA for free or at the cost for schools to reduce radiation level in school yards.
In general, harmfulness of radioactive substances is discussed mainly on the relationship between the exposure level and the occurrence of cancer. When you think of human health and environment, the strong free radicals generated by radioactive substances is as harmful as dioxin. But no public statement refers to the free radicals of radioactive substances. It was, I believe, intentional not to talk about free radicals. The radioactive substances are harmful in two ways: to damage human DNA directly, and to generate free radicals that are harmful to our health.
The free radicals, needless to say, lower the level of immunity and cause illness. Nose breeding, allergy reactions, and excess sensibility to chemicals among children are often observed in the hot spots (places where radiation level is measured high) in Fukushima prefecture and other affected areas. The symptoms are caused by the free radicals generated by radioactive substances.
EM has a strong anti-oxidant capacity and eliminates free radicals generated by dioxin and radioactive substances. Therefore, apply EM in your environment as much as you use water and air. Taking EMX-Gold and/or home-brew EMA drinks will protect you from internal exposure, as I repeatedly mentioned before.
An EM project to control radiation contamination started under a slogan, “From radiation exposed Fukushima to Utsukushima (beautiful Fukushima) by use of natural plant energy”. I have made many suggestions on how to control radiation contamination by EM; however, none of which could be adopted and practiced by municipalities that follow a narrow path of common sense and tradition. To facilitate better understanding of EM, the accumulated efforts and practices by EM volunteers have proved effective in the prefectures of Iwate and Miyagi. It is also important to provide a large volume of free EM.
On the 15th of June at a joint news conference conducted in Fukushima prefectural government office, I explained the EM project and visited 2 local newspapers to confirm our efforts. The project site is Kashima district of Minami-soma city. In the project, sunflower seeds were sown in 100ha field and over 50tons of EMA was sprayed. The project aims to eliminate radiation contamination by applying EM and to obtain bio-energy from sunflower.
The prior measurements showed that the level of radiation was below the designated safety level in Kashima District. However, radioactive substances are still being emitted from Fukushima nuclear power plant. The project aims to attest the experimental result obtained in Belarus that application of 50L EM per 10a will prevent plants from absorbing radioactive cesium and strontium and that radiation level will decrease by 15-35% per year.
 Rice Paddy Field where Sunflower Seeds are Sown
Sunflower and rapeseed have higher capacity to absorb radioactive substances; however, they absorb less than 0.1% which is only nominal. In short, sunflower and rapeseed are allowed to grow in the contaminated fields because the oil extracted from them can be sold as bio-energy source and bring in cash for the farmers. After extracting oil, however, the residue must not be returned to the field and be gathered at one place for treatment.
 How to Make EMA
From June 16th-20th, sunflower seeds were sown over 100ha field. We have completed activating several ten tons of EM and plan to spray EMA over this weekend. After the harvest, the sunflower residue will be mixed with EM and returned to the field as soil improving inoculants. Rapeseeds will be grown from autumn through spring, and the same procedure will be performed. We plan to eliminate radiation contamination within several years and will be able to grow organically without agricultural chemicals to produce valued-added nature-grown crops.
This project and other EM activities in Fukushima prefecture to control radiation contamination are reported to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. The ministry has showed interest in using EM when the effectiveness of EM is clearly demonstrated.