No. 40 Measures against radioactive contamination with EM TechnologyR
Even if the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company does not reach the same level of catastrophe as the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster, soil contamination of radioactive cesium 137, which has a half-life of 30 years has been detected. Whereas radioactive iodine-131 has a short half-life of 8 days, and is said to decay within 30 to 40 days as long as there is no additional contamination, cesium 137 with a half-life of 30 years is easily absorbed by crops just like a potassium fertilizer. It enters the human body through food and causes internal damage. Because this kind of internal damage significantly decreases the function of the immune system, it is evident that it leads to immune deficiency, also described as "Chernobyl AIDS."
25 years have passed since the Chernobyl disaster that took place on April 26, 1986. Conditions from external radiation damage were the same as seen in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the internal radiation damage through consuming contaminated foods in Belarus is still an unresolved problem to this day, and continues to be serious. Effects of severe internal damage has spread and been found even 340 kilometers away from the accident site in the capital city of Minsk, which was said to be absolutely safe.

It is said that 23 percent (46,500 km2) of Belarus was affected by the disaster, but as you can see in the map the borders indicating the affected areas are not clear. Many of what is considered to be gray area is used as farmland. In 2001, 15 years after the accident, milk from around the country was tested by the Radiation Safety Research Center of Belarus. The results confirmed that there were 1,100 farming communities with radioactive cesium 137 readings of over 50 becquerel per liter.
According to the World Health Organization, the permissible body burden of cesium 137 is generally 0.3 becquerel per kilogram. In reality, due to all areas of Belarus having far exceeded this figure, Academy of Sciences of Belarus has raised the permissible body burden of radiation to under 15 to 20 becquerel per kilogram and is conducting health consultations based on this figure. This level of exposure is indexed as the beginning stage of decline of white blood cell counts and the immune system, and this action is inevitable.
The younger one is, the shorter the biological half-life of the permissible body burden of cesium 137: 100 to 150 days for adults and 15 to 90 days for children. Sanatoriums located in uncontaminated areas are mainly used for treatment. Many of the non-affected countries also offer treatment in their countries, which are supported by local volunteer groups.
Numerous volunteer groups in Japan have helped to provide treatment for the children of Belarus since 1990, and continue to this day. In the fall of 1994, I received a letter from Ms. Mika Noro, the head of an organization called "Kakehashi to Chernobyl" that took children of Belarus into Hokkaido, inquiring about the possibility of treating radioactive contamination with EMR.
I responded to Ms. Noro that it was possible, and when I was in her area a few weeks later giving a lecture at Sapporo City University, I met and promised her my support. After that, I provided EM・XR for children who came to Japan for treatment and also connected them with the medical professionals who were knowledgeable with EM・XR. The effects of EM・XR were seen immediately. Swollen lymph nodes and thyroid gland returned to normal, appetites increased, and the children recovered well enough to return home after about one month. However, these results were observed only and not substantiated numerically.
In conventional thought, it is impossible to heal radiation damage so easily. I am very well aware of this common knowledge. However, in the past, I had already learned from a number of survivors of the Hiroshima bombing living in Niigata prefecture that reported to me the following: after taking EM・XR, their white blood cell counts returned to normal, their immune system improved, they do not catch colds and now can feel refreshed again just like before they were exposed.
EM・1R is a mixed culture of beneficial microorganisms that contain antioxidant properties such as phototrophic bacteria, lactic bacteria and yeast. When mixed with clay and fired in a high temperature of 1,200 Celsius to make ceramics, phototrophic bacteria, the key microorganism in EM・1R, can still be extracted. This unbelievable heat-resistance of phototrophic bacteria is due to its property of capturing gamma-ray, X-ray, and ultraviolet rays as an energy source. This is why I thought the external as well as internal radiation damage could be transformed into a detoxified state, but I was considering researching this at a later date since the testing regulations related to radiation in Japan are very strict.
I learned from Ms. Noro that the activities of "Kakehashi to Chernobyl" were actively supported by Dr. Konoplya, the head of the Institute of Radiobiology National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and he was planning to come to Japan soon.
I made a request that if Dr. Konoplya were to come to Japan, I would pay for his travel cost and invite him to Okinawa, and I would propose collaborative research with a sufficient budget that would be arranged by me. With the cooperation of Ms. Noro, Dr. Konoplya came to Okinawa in 1995. In the beginning, he was in complete disbelief listening to my stories, but even with doubts, he acknowledged the circumstantial evidence that I provided, and ended up conducting experiments using EMR and EM・XR against radiation. Results from this research were presented at the International EMR Medical Conference in Okinawa in 1997.
In conclusion, it became clear that treatment with EMR and EM・XR solved not only external but also internal damage from radiation. But the only people who believed were those involved in the experiment. Even then, I wanted to make EMR available to the people of Belarus. After meeting all of the very strict legal challenges, I was able to register EM・1R for agricultural use and EM・XR for health use. These registrations are still valid in all former Soviet Union countries.
The conclusions of using EM TechnologyR as countermeasures against radioactive contamination and damage can be referenced in the previous entry of this series (No. 39). However, because the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is currently releasing radioactive cesium, one cannot deny the possibility of internal damage caused by concentrated radioactive elements through food. Thus, I am going to write about what can be done to fight against internal radiation damage, but each person is responsible for his or her own actions. This is the only research of this type that was performed in the world.
The reason is because the Belarus government prohibits the measurement of radiation exposure levels of children who are receiving treatment in foreign countries. If violated, the government has a strict law in place where they will not allow those children to leave Belarus again and also will not allow those involved in the measuring to enter the country. In order to officially measure the levels, you must be certified to handle radiation and use the measuring methods that are approved by the Belarus government. Also, it must be measured using a proper device authorized by the Belarus government, and there are additional conditions for foreigners, which require special permission from the government. Basically the system is set up so that it is very difficult for anyone from other countries to be involved.
Fortunately, Mr. Edward Ven, a volunteer originally from Belarus who was interpreting for the children taken in by Ms. Noro, became very much interested in EM・XR. So I took him in as a research student in my laboratory that I belonged to at the time I was at the University of the Ryukyus Faculty of Agriculture. I taught him all about EM TechnologyR, had him admitted into the Master's program, and Dr. Konoplya and I gave guidance for his Master's thesis on treating internal radiation damage using EM・XR.
With the help of Ms. Noro, we attempted to purchase a measuring device known as a whole body counter, but because it had the import duty rate of 200%, we decided to take the route of importing it as parts and then assembling it afterwards. Even this way, the import duty rate was 50% so the initial budget could not even come close to covering the cost. I decided to send Mr. Ven to Ukraine where the device was being manufactured to have him trained on breaking down and assembling the device, as well as to obtain certification on handling radiation. With the help of Dr. Konoplya we were able to meet all of the challenges related to getting approval in Belarus and eventually conducted the experiments. Needless to say, I arranged all associated costs including the shortage from the initial budget as well as tuition and living expenses of Mr. Ven. This is how I was able to complete the experiment.
The Master's thesis is titled "A Study on EM・XR Effects to Expel Caesium-137 from Human Body". 21 children who participated in the experiment live in the highly contaminated area inside of the big red circles indicated on the map, in Gomel and Mogilev provinces. These children went through full body radiation screening (by a device called screener-3m) as well as a portable gamma radiation detector before they left for Japan. The treatment period in Japan was set for 40 days, from July 23 to August 31. Everything was arranged with the support of foster families of the "Kakehashi to Chernobyl" led by Ms. Noro.
The average age of these 21 children was 9.7 years old and they were divided into three groups. Group A consumed 30 cc of EM・XR per day, Group B consumed 50 cc per day, and Group C did not consume any. We did ask that EM・XR be given to children in Group C after the entire experiment was completed, in the beginning of December. Prior to departure from Belarus, the levels of body burden of cesium 137 were 81.61 becquerel/kg for Group A, 88.65 becquerel/kg for Group B, and 62.99 becquerel/kg for Group C.
The measurements after returning to Belarus immediately following the completion of treatments on August 31 were reduced to 26.78 for Group A, and all Group B participants reached an immeasurable level, which means they were back to the normal level. Readings of Group C participants who had had no treatment went down to 33.81, but not enough to achieve the target of 15 to 20 becquerel/kg set by the Belarus government.
Additionally, two more measurements were taken in October and December in order to assess the persistency of EM・XR treatments. As a result, the reading of Group A on December 2 was 22.16, further reduced from 26.78 which was the measurement at the time they returned from Japan. Every participant from Group B maintained their immeasurable levels, and the reading of Group C increased to 37.31 since their return, which is expected upon returning home to the original environment.
After having discussed these results and additional measurements with Dr. Konoplya, we reached a conclusion that the body burden of cesium 137 could be completely eliminated in 40 days by consuming 50 cc of EM・XR per day, and the property of radiation tolerance could be maintained for a long period of time. The results ended up being the total opposite of traditional findings.
Since then, EM・XR has gone through multiple product improvements, and is now marketed as EM・X Gold? in Japan. The current EM・X Gold? has been confirmed to have the effectiveness of 5.6 times higher than the EM・XR originally used for this experiment. The effectiveness is over 10 times higher if it is heated to above 80 Celsius prior to consuming. It is impossible to predict what will happen to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, but even in the worst case scenario, it is fairly certain that it will not be as bad as Belarus.
From this standpoint, the general serving size indicated on the EM・X Gold? label is sufficient for treating internal radiation damage. It is appropriate to consider 1/2 of the serving size for children and 1/3 to 1/4 of the serving size for infants. Needless to say, EM・X Gold? is a beverage, so taking more than the suggested amount will not negatively affect anybody, but if you notice a change then it is necessary to consider reducing the intake to less than 50%. It is also possible to sufficiently treat external radiation damage if you increase the amount of intake.
As a final note, I would like to once again express my gratitude to the head of "Kakehashi to Chernobyl", Ms. Mika Noro, for her long-term support. Because of her, the information from this research in Belarus can be accessed in some shape or form to help the current nuclear crisis in Japan.