Article #164 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and EM Activities:(3)
New Challenges in Thailand
The use of EM in all areas of energy and the environment is essential, including the SDGs’ goal of ending poverty and hunger. The basis for the SDGs is, in particular, the response to the world’s population growth soon exceeding 10 billion. Modern food production systems that destroy nature, employ a lot of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and are not desirable for health are structural systems that accelerate the destruction of humanity. The measures proposed so far are at the level of non-tilled cultivation, which integrates self-sufficient organic farming and ecosystems that do not use chemicals, are not at all sufficient.
On many occasions I have talked about the essence of agriculture, with the point being to
produce food that keeps pace with population growth and at the same time promotes good health, all at low cost. By utilizing the entire process, we will be able to respond to environmental pollution (chemical substances, radio activity, air pollution) and climate change.
Diversified use of EM makes it easy to attain the essence of ideal agriculture, and the answer has already been given. As EM technology has spread there has been a nearly forty-year battle against preconceived ideas and vested interests. However, the media’s stance on EM evaluation has changed since international journals in 2018-2019 published articles showing how EM significantly suppresses the absorption of radioactivity in crops and eliminates radioactivity.
This does not mean, however, that EM is now completely accepted, since resistance from the government and research institutes still remains. At present we are achieving many of our goals while awaiting a generational change.
In #152 of this online journal series, as a future global expansion of EM Technology Dr. Masaki
Shintani of EM Research Organization explained the relationship between EM Graviton
agriculture and Terra Preta Nova, which is said to be a miraculous soil existing in the Amazon.
In other words, if the world’s agricultural land is made up of Terra Preta Nova, the essence of agriculture can be realized, and by utilizing EM Technology it is possible to create miraculous soil; he also presented a concrete plan to achieve this.
This technology has begun to expand globally through EMRO (EM Research Organization, Inc.) and APNAN (Asia Pacific Natural Agriculture Network), but because of the novel corona virus pandemic work has stalled, but it is gradually beginning to be implemented. Here I would like to introduce a case showing its practical application at the Nature Farming Center in Saraburi Province in Thailand.
The EM Graviton Barrier (Energy Field) Manual was created by the EM Research Organization for overseas use, and it is a simple one shown in Photos 1 to 4. When set to a size of 100-200 sq.
meters, the internal energy is coherently rectified, which has a significant effect on the growth and quality of the crops within it. Since there is no English word that accurately expresses this situation, they use the Japanese word Seiryu as is, and write it as EM SEIRYU TECHNOLOGY, as is also done in the case of EM Bokashi.
Photo 5 shows how it has been implemented at the Nature Farming Center in Saraburi Province, Thailand. At this scale, it can function as an effective barrier (energy field) of 500-1000 sq.
meters, but in order to make the effects more reliable, 4 to 5 liters of activated EM containing a 1:10,000 dilution of EM・X GOLD is injected through a blue pipe several times a year.
Photo 6 is from the fall and spring of 2019, and we have received an encouraging report that sales have increased, and quality has improved as never before.
Photo 7 shows the results of the 2020 onions cultivated after that. Like the previous daikon radish and cabbage, the yield and quality have greatly exceeded expectations.
It is not a question of whether you believe it or not; the fact remains that this is the reality of what has been achieved. This technology has begun to spread not only in Thailand but also in other parts of Asia through international workshops held at the Nature Farming Center.
※PHOTO:5 Nature Farming Center in Saraburi

※PHOTO:6 2019 Report
Nature Farming Center in Saraburi uses charcoal and salt to set up an EM Seiryu barrier.
The cabbage and daikon radish have grown extremely well this season and they are all the same size and shape. The effects of the Seiryu barrier will be presented at the APNAN Conference next year.

※PHOTO:Onions in 2020
