Article #162 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and EM Activities(1)
Needless to say, the basic principles of EM activities be summed up as the use of EM, which is
“safe and easy to use,” “low cost and high quality,” as part of a “virtuous cycle of sustainability,”
using it until you see results, taking personal responsibility and recognizing how doing so can
contribute to society. In addition to purifying Tokyo Bay and solving the radioactivity problems
in residential areas of Fukushima, EM activities have steadily fulfilled a public institutional
function in such areas as recycling kitchen waste and adding high value to garbage, etc.
The beginning of this essay is a quote from my book, An Earth Saving Revolution, published in
1993 by Sunmark Publishing. This book was published to ask the world about the achievements
of EM (Effective Microorganisms), with its quantum mechanical properties, and to clarify the
above concept of EM activities. The series has surpassed one million copies in total, but it took a
long time to overcome the intense opposition to EM by scholars and industry. However, the fact
that EM eliminated radioactivity was published in the academic journal of The International
Society for Cold Fusion, which settled the matter.
The world is now beginning to revolve around global warming countermeasures and SDGs, and
by utilizing EM at these various actual sites, it is possible to immediately achieve the goals. By
SDGs we mean the ones adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2015 in the “2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development,” international goals aimed at a sustainable and better world by 2030.

Specifically, as shown in the figure, these consist of 17 goals and 169 targets, and individuals,
companies, organizations, local municipalities, and nations working according to this guideline
can solve the problem of poverty and achieve the goal of “Leave no one behind.”
I feel that we are in such an era at last, and I am convinced that this will further accelerate the
EM movement and become a major force supporting these SDGs.
In 2011, I wrote a book entitled, The Law of Syntropy [Revival], published by U-net (United
Network for Earth Environment) as a guidebook for utilizing EM in response to the Great East
Japan Earthquake. In that volume I mentioned the ultimate SDG, that is, creating a country with
a “higher level of happiness,” and discussed practical applications in the areas of agriculture,
environment, fisheries and health. Today, when it has become abundantly clear that EM is
genuine, this proposal should be applied to future SDGs.
The following is an excerpt from The Law of Syntropy.

Toward the creation of a nation with a higher level of happiness
Throughout the world nowadays value judgements based on money predominate, the belief
being that nothing can be accomplished without money. In contrast, there have been various
socialist attempts aimed at a happier way of life not controlled by money, and a society that does
not cost money, however there is no normative model that the entire nation can employ.
The ultimate EM movement involves the creation of a high-level information society of co-
existence and co-prosperity that matures and grows over time through utilizing this safe,
comfortable, low-cost, and high-quality product, in short, to construct a society and nation with a
high degree of happiness. I am convinced it is possible to create a country with a higher level of
happiness by using EM as freely as the air and water in our daily lives and in all industries, and
by devoting ourselves to living an EM-centered lifestyle.
This belief is that, through the power of EM’s syntropy (rejuvenation), everything’s value can be
elevated in a virtuous cycle. The EM movement has set itself the challenge of solving food,
environment, health, resources, energy and education issues safely, comfortably, at low cost and
with high quality, and basically we have already reached the level where we can meet all of these
conditions. The key is for the structure of society, while retaining the beneficial features of
competition, to transition towards co-existence and co-prosperity, further improving the quality
of life of each and every citizen, enhancing the immune system of society as a whole. It is critical
to thoroughly implement technological innovation and technological development to achieve
high quality that is safe, comfortable to use, and economical.
Photo caption: An event to introduce activated EM and EM Bokashi balls into the rivers and the
ocean all over Japan, hosted by U-net (United Networks for Earth Environment) on Marine Day
2010. The EM movement is ever expanding.

Dealing with Real-life Issues
1. Agriculture, environment, fisheries and health
In the last thirty years, we have demonstrated that EM is safe and has a beneficial impact on the
ecosystem. Therefore, it is important that people fully understand the essence of EM, that it has
been shown that in any place and in any field, such as civil engineering, water treatment, food
processing, health maintenance, etc., it is completely safe to use and creates no legal problems.
Another basic point is that anyone can freely increase EM by adding sugar and rice bran, etc. If
you want to use EM to maintain your health, you are free to add brown sugar, fruits, natural
juices, herbs, etc. to make your own healthful drink. Most health problems can be resolved
through applying this kind of know-how and maintaining an EM-centered lifestyle.
Nowadays, EM is ready to be delivered to all areas affected by natural disasters if requested, and
we have the know-how to supply a large amount of activated EM solution free of charge as
needed. This support will continue throughout the year and, in some cases, for several years.
First, we begin by spraying EM on contaminated agricultural land, residential land, and public
places using a large amount of activated EM solution to eliminate bad odors, decompose harmful
chemical substances, oil, sludge, etc., and prevent the dispersal of asbestos from debris.
Next, it is necessary to purify rivers and the sea at the same time over a wide area, restore the
ecosystem as quickly as possible, and enrich fishery resources. The most effective way to
accomplish this is to use EM for sewage treatment and to incorporate EM into the water supply
system of damaged rice paddies so that it is distributed throughout the fields. In other words, we
should continue to add EM to agricultural dams, water intakes from rivers, and water use
systems with a guideline of using it in a ratio of 1:1000 to 1:10,000 of the amount of water. You
can easily make a constant large amount of activated EM solution by setting up a simple pool
using plastic sheeting etc. at the site so that up to 24,000 ha of contaminated fields can be
purified, pests can be suppressed, and both high yields and high quality can be achieved.
In addition, EM has a remarkable effect as a measure against unusually cold summers, and also
prevents the generation of white ears due to excessive salt content caused by seawater, etc. There
is no need to change one’s cultivation technology just because EM is used. However, this could
be a wonderful opportunity, if one takes on the challenge, of aiming at being completely
pesticide-free and chemical-free in the future, and developing a new path for agriculture to grow
as an export industry.
At the same time, agriculture that uses EM as freely as the air and water not only protects natural
ecosystems and enriches biodiversity, but also contributes significantly to the promotion of the
fishing industry. EM volunteer organizations, centered on the EM Research Organization, Inc.,
will help free of charge this year if requested to by each municipality or Japan Agricultural
Cooperatives. Since the know-how is relatively simple, it can be implemented independently
starting the next fiscal year, and judging from the results, it almost seems as if there is no cost.
We have an opportunity now not just to recover and rebuild from the unprecedented, almost
incomprehensible earthquake of 2011, but also to create a much better future, a life on a different
plane, with agriculture’s true essence coming to the fore, helping to protect the health of the
people, restoring biodiversity, providing an abundant ecosystem, and protecting and enriching
fishery resources, functionally regenerating agriculture so that it evolves into a critical shared
asset for all the people that serves as the cornerstone of our country.

2. Developing disaster resilient towns and an EM-centered life
Basically, it can be said that a considerable level of disaster prevention measures can be taken
according to the policies at the national, prefectural, and municipal government levels, but even
new structures and houses will deteriorate significantly in anywhere from fifty to a hundred
years. It has also been shown that the use of EM technology can make these structures twice as
durable as normal and significantly enhance resistance to seismic events. If you use EM in
concrete, it will last for more than three hundred years, and if you perform maintenance with EM
after that, you can use it semi-permanently. At the same time, the people who live and work in
the building will become healthier before they know it, and if they also maintain an EM-centered
life style, medical expenses can be reduced to less than one-tenth of what they are now.
Similarly, in road construction it will not be necessary to surface the asphalt once every four to
five years as is done now, and if EM technology is used and activated EM solution is sprayed
about once a month as part of maintenance, road surfaces will remain durable for twenty to thirty
years or more. The fuel efficiency of cars will be significantly improved, with the additional
benefit of preventing potential traffic accidents.
As is true now, as well in other times, many elderly people are killed when a natural disaster
occurs, but most of these are linked to physical problems such as illness. The fundamental
solution is to learn a way of life in which one does not get sick, and to create a system in which
the elderly can and do volunteer and play an important role in society.
From all these myriad cases we see that if you live a thoroughly EM-centered lifestyle, with
some help from EM medicine, most of the difficult problems associated with aging can be
solved, and it will be possible to realize the ideal life: living long and well, doing one’s part to
benefit society, and dying peacefully when your time comes. In the EM world this way of life is
the duty of the elderly; we should see that running up enormous amounts of medical expenses
and causing trouble to many people before dying is a kind of evasion of responsibility, leaving
others to pay the bill. I believe we should devote ourselves to living an EM-centered lifestyle,
using EM every day.
Besides, it you use EM in every situation, the law of syntropy (the phenomenon of revival)
works in all cases. Therefore, if you manage old buildings, roads, public buildings and facilities
with EM technology, not only in areas hit by disasters, it is possible to significantly extend their
useful life, plus actively protect health and the environment. There has also been a court ruling
that it is not illegal to use EM in concrete. It is easy to see that it works if you test it.
If you contact the EM Research Organization you can learn more about our system that allows us
to volunteer in both agriculture and the environment, so if you think about city planning and
rural planning based on the power of EM, it is possible to make your ideal a reality.
Photo captions:
EM is also used for cleaning and subsequent maintenance to provide visitors with a space of
health and healing.
The Hotel Costa Vista Okinawa was revived through the use of EM technology.
The use of EM in agriculture and fisheries is already widespread throughout Japan.